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House Beautiful shares this article about ways to make your home more sell-able!!
We've scoured cities all around the world for small ideas with huge potential, and asked some of our favorite urban thinkers for tiny ways to make outsized transformations. And we divided them all up into six sections to help focus your efforts. We hope this serves as a…
Property tax assessments are going out and we are hearing from numerous clients about sizable increases. If you didn't get a tax hike, that's terrific! But if you did, and are interested in appealing, read on.
The average consumer’s life is filled with financial milestones, and buying a home is a major one. But when do most people reach the milestone of homeownership?
Last year, we blew away our $1,000 goal and raised an impressive $1,505.92 for the Atlanta Community Food Bank! This year, we know THE FORCE is with us to raise even more and reach our $1,750 goal!
Winter means ice skating! Read on to find out the deets -- where, when, and how much it will set you back...
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